Thursday, June 26, 2008

Well, THAT did not go well

I got distracted by many things this morning and only got two things done on my list.

One was a profile for work that I needed to get done and it has taken me days, so I was happy to have that one done.

Another one was a contract for Salinda that her therapist suggested.

Instead of reminding her to be cooperative and pleasant like I usually do, I decided to have her sign the following:

I have thoroughly read and understood these expectations. I am agreeing to the conditions therein. I am not, however, going to agree to remember them, nor am I agreeing not to act surprised or shocked when you remind me of them in the future. I am not agreeing not to be crabby or argue or blame you or be mad at you when you remind me, nor am I agreeing not to sulk, pout, give you the silent treatment, yell or act inappropriately. I’m just saying that at this moment in time, i understand them and agree to comply by them in order to have what I want.

I am going to let the therapist see it first and let me know if she thinks it's a good idea.

I figured trying humor might work. I suppose it depends on the mood.

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