Thursday, June 12, 2008

What an Annoying Day so Far

I have spent the whole morning completely annoyed by trying to get the wireless internet working correctly in our home again. I am beyond frustrated.

I have replaced the camera and the new one is cool, but I get annoyed at how many of our possessions break around here. And I bought "drop-spill" protection for this one for $39.99. That should guarantee that this one NEVER gets dropped or spilled on so that the $40.00 would have been a complete waste of money.

Bart is getting ready to take three of the boys camping. They are packing the cooler and stuff now... yup, gone, just now. Hugged them, said goodbye. I'm sad.

Not having internet working makes me anxious. IN fact any tech issue that I can't immediately solve starts to grate on my nerves. And this is really starting to annoy me...

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