Friday, July 18, 2008

8:23 p.m. and I'm Still Alive

I survived the Laundromat with Tony, Dominyk, Jimmy and Sadie. We washed, dried and folded 11 loads. That's about $43 dollars in case you were wondering.

I also survived a trip to Walmart, though it was not fun. Tony pushed every button I had multiple times today.

Before we went to either place, the "glass guy" was here. I forgot he was here and Tony was going strong, just really on my last nerve and he would not relent. I finally screamed something really appropriate like, "I am warning you buddy, you better KNOCK IT OFF right now or ...."

I can't even remember what I threatened, but let's just say it wasn't all that nice and it was LOUD.

later I found out that the gas guy cut himself. Now, this has got to be unusual, right? I mean glass guys probably don't cut themselves every day. I didn't ask him, but I had to wonder if maybe he didn't just cut himself right when I suddenly screamed at Tony.

As I was leaving he mentioned he was having a bad day. I simply said, "I suppose you heard that I'm not having a great one either.

Salinda is at a friends, Rand is at work. Everyone else is fairly calm. I miss my husband tonight even though all is well.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Wal-Mart, do you think maybe Jimmy could get a job there as a stocker? If it's a Super Center, they always need overnight people, especially stockers and unloaders. And even if it's just a regular store, they, too, need them, but during the day. I don't know about evenings with the smaller stores.
