Saturday, July 12, 2008

Addicted to My Drama, Are you?

Never before have 90 people checked in before 9:00 on a Saturday morning. What's WITH you people? I'm laughing.

Anyway, I rested well after the officers left. Took me about 45 minutes to settle down but then I slept like a rock. I am glad Salinda is safe. I am hoping that she has time to think a lot about her choices, though I'm not sure how well thought out any of them are in the first place.

Even though I knew she needed to go and face her consequences, it still wasn't easy for me to sit and listen to her sob. This is her 3rd or 4th trip there. I wish I could believe that she would learn from it this time.... maybe it will be the time that she gets it. I hope so.

Meanwhile, back to the rest of my life -- I'm taking Dominyk and Tony to a parade today. We have to stop by the store first and will more than likely have lunch together afterwards. Everyone else is busy, so this might be fun to see what life would have been like had we stopped at two.

Bart and the other kids had a great night last night. And now they are headed to another soccer game.

Bart and Kyle are leaving for 8 days in DC as Kyle's college graduation trip. I am not looking forward to handling the rest alone, but I know I'll be fine.

Off to another day in our wild world.


  1. Sometimes reading your blog helps keep my chaotic world into perspective. I may have one kid going off the deep end - sometimes I may actually have it worse than you, and sometimes you may actually have it worse than me - but by reading your blog, I can keep my world in perspective. You also keep it upbeat. You don't harp constantly on how negative your life is, how life has dished these kids such horrible circumstances before they came that they cannot help but behave the way they do. You just handle things matter-of-factly.
    You also have a great sense of humor and can laugh (when you aren't crying.)
    Thank you for being real.

  2. Maybe it was ME 90 times???

  3. It took me 13 trips to learn a lesson, let's hope she is smarter than I was.
