Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Monthiversary

Another month has gone by and it's time to report back on our successes or failures of the last month and set New Months Resolutions for the month of August.

I had one Diet Pepsi during the month of July and a few sips of one of Dominyk's dumb pops on July 4th. Otherwise that was IT. Not bad.

And I had a few pieces of chocolate during the month and those and the Diet Pepsi were my only bits of caffeine.....

Now, for August:

1 hour of working on writing/speaking stuff each day or a total of 7 hours a week if things get crazy.

and my diet and fitness goals are here.

Come on, set some with me. Make a New Months Resolution. At least one.

And if you made one last month, let me know how it went.


  1. Congrats!!! You did awesome this month. I did good as well. I only had a few sips of soda on first of the month and not a sip since. Thanks for inviting me into the challenge.

  2. Good job, Claudia and Carmel!

    I was terrible. I don't even remember what I was supposed to do. Something about organizing. I didn't take into account the fact that I was taking a 16 week course in 3 weeks, nor the fact that I was working on the adoption case from he!@. HOWEVER, I kept up with my meal planning from the month before. That should count for something :) This Monthiversary Resolutions thing totally rocks.

  3. Great job, Claudia! You have inspired me. I just posted about my resolutions for August (though now I am thinking I might have gotten a little too enthusiastic ...)
