Wednesday, July 16, 2008

But I love it When They are Unpredictable

Last night I gave Salinda a ride to get her glasses even though it was 9:30 and I wanted to be in bed. On the way there I explained to her that it was very frustrating for me when she asked me questions and already knew the answer was no. I asked her why she acted the way she had and she said, "I don't know." And I think that she was probably telling the truth. I don't think she really understands this need she has to punish me and be angry all the time.

So after a quiet and sullen ride, with steam coming out of her ears the whole way home, we pull into the garage. On a whim I say, "would you like to go to the Y with Sadie and I in the morning?" And to my surprise, she said, "Sure."

So we went this morning. And she was fine. And now she's fine. And I just smile and shake my head.

By the way, I forgot to mention this. Yesterday her therapist was in tears when I told her about buying Salinda the books and fixing her favorite meal. She is just so amazed at how far I've come in parenting her and how well I'm doing. I tried to explain why. A lot of it has to do with this. And some of it is input from some amazing people in my life who have given me great ideas. And some of it is probably just being tired of the stress of the way I used to handle it.

but regardless, it's fun to notice progress.

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