Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Even When Caught Red Handed

I left the house this morning to do the home visit. Dominyk and Sadie had already left for school. The dining room table was empty.

I came home and a package of burritos, the sour cream, and two boxes of ice cream were out sitting on the table.

Tony was in the shower.

Everyone else is sound asleep.

But I'm "frickin dumb" to think that Tony did it. It couldn't possibly be him. He just woke up and went straight to the shower.

Seems so odd to lie even when you're caught. But maybe he's even convinced himself he didn't do it....

1 comment:

  1. It's moments like that that I start to feel I'm crazy. I agree, why lie when you're already caught... but it must make sense to them.

    Angela :-)
