Monday, July 07, 2008

If You're MIserable, you Don't Have Enough Kids

There is some truth to that statement. Several years ago I met a family who had one kid that was just driving them completely nuts. I mean, bonkers nuts. I simply told them, "well, you don't have enough kids. If you had one worse than him, you'd hardly notice him." I said it, tongue in cheek, but then they adopted a sibling group of 5 and a year later mentioned to me that they hardly even remembered how bad the original kid used to bother them.

My reason for being glad I have so many kids is that at least one of them loves you ever day. This morning, after Salinda had gone ballistic verbally, all over me, Sadie and Dominyk left for the bus.

"By Mom. I love you. Have a great day."

So see, if your kids are making you miserable, it's because you don't have enough yet. I can tell you how to get some more. ;-)


  1. Ain't that the truth. Also I find that I probably wouldn't realize how far one of my kids has come if I didn't have the newer problem child to remind me that she used to act exactly the same way (and I thought we might not get through it).

  2. That is a fact, I always have someone mad at me and someone that loves me.

    What is it that causes women to forget the pain of childbirth? I think it happens when you adopt crazy kids, too. Somehow I have managed to forget the pain of the first year they lived with us and are considering doing it again. Even worse, we want another sib group.

  3. Oh, this made me chuckle. I totally agree. More kids balance things out and brings down the stress level in our house. We aren't focusing all of our energy on just the one kid. Even though she still tries to suck it all out of us :) we now have a diversion from her and it is WONDERFUL.

  4. I'm willing to test that theory, if we could just get a placement!

  5. I laughed out loud at this one. And then I sent it to DH, who I am trying to convince to let us get another placement. :)
