Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just Isn't Enough Time

I got up at 5:50. You'd think that would be early enough on a summer day to get something done. Our editor is telling me that I need to spend one uninterrupted hour a day writing if we are going to get the book completed by the deadline we have set. I am more than willing to do this, but uninterrupted hours do not come easily around here. I managed to get it done first thing yesterday, which is a good thing, as the rest of the day kind of went to pieces.

This morning Salinda, Sadie and I went to the YMCA and got back by about 7. I then showered and sat down to get started, but within 15 minutes I had to leave for an orthodontist appointment with Sadie which got me home at 8:25. I have a staff meeting conference call at 8:30. It is running a bit late and there are technical difficulties, so don't be looking at the post time and suggesting that I'm blogging when I'm supposed to be listening (that was for the benefit of my coworkers who might be reading).

So, I haven't started my hour yet. Tomorrow I'm getting up at 5:30.

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