Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Late Breaking (but not good) news

Apparently Mike is back in our county jail. Arrested last night. We hadn't even been checking, but someone called to let me know that he was back on the website.

He was in court ordered chemical dependency treatment. The last we heard from him was when the facility called for his insurance information and we informed them that he was no longer on our insurance.

We don't know the rest of the story. We don't know if he was discharged, if he ran from the facility, or if he completed the program, though that is doubtful.

But we know where he is now.


1 comment:

  1. Didnt you use to live in Luverne? I just read an article stating they are offering cash for people to come and build houses there. Thought you might find that interesting! Anyway I found the article on wcco.com

