Tuesday, July 01, 2008

More Words from Wilson

I was reminded as I was attempting to go to sleep with Wilson sharing my bed. He is so funny. The picture above is an example of the funny expressions he makes and the way he adds life to just about everything.

I came back from the bathroom and Gizmo was on our bed. "Why is Gizmo up here," I asked. "Don't know," Wilson said. "Guess he just decided to join us."

Later he and I were praying and then I said goodnight. I said, "I'm glad you're my son, Wilson. I think you're a great kid. I love you."

He said, "love you too" in the cutest way, like he always says it (I have to get that on tape for all you who are Wilson fans). And then he said, "On thing I don't like about you though .... the BEANS."

Last week Bart was doing this thing he does where he nods his head at me and smiles knowingly ... usually when I'm in a bad mood. I met his glance and started doing the same thing. The rest of the kids were oblivious, but immediately quiet Wilson starts to do what we're doing. "I don't know what y'all are doin," he said, "But I'm joinin in."

And finally, a few days ago, Bart and I were hugging in the kitchen right before it was time to go. "OK, you LOVEmakers," Wilson said, "let's get going."

What a kid!

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