Monday, July 07, 2008

OK, so maybe I am not quite used to it

Another series of poor planning and disorganization resulting in me getting yelled at. I wish I could anonymously submit videos of her venom spewing nastiness and have it rated on the scale so I know how "normal" it is.

Have you heard about Are you Hot or Not? I'm not endorsing the website, but I was thinking maybe we could have a website for teenage girls: Am I a Snot or Not? you know, videos, rated by moms. Just kidding. But you have to admit I'm clever.

It appears that she is now starting to steal from us, something she has never done before. I'm going to have to deal with that and a few other things before she asks to go somewhere. So I guess I have that to look forward to.

One of the things that have such a hard time getting used to is the fact that she really doesn't care at ALL how I feel. I have had to remind myself of that often. My life, what is important to me, my schedule, my possessions, and especially my emotions, are simply non-issues to her. She couldn't.... care..... less.

I have a headache and don't feel well and this is making me anxious. Or maybe I'm just anxious period and she is the lightening rod. Sometimes I can't tell.

FInishing the post with a concluding update. We talked. It went as poorly as was expected. There are reasons I am anxious.

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