Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Playing "Let's Pretend"

Some days I play this game where I "pretend" to be a good mom, a diligent worker, etc. It makes me feel like I can handle it more if there is a time limit.

Kari talks about how she pretends to be Mr. Rogers sometimes. For me, I just pretend to be a good parent. I make myself respond to every situation calmly and be nurturing. I hold my tongue and don't react immediately. I smile when I want to yell. Sometimes I can pull it off.

And when I am pretending to be very diligent, I clean off my desk so it is well organized and looks neat.

Today I have accomplished both of those tasks so far. The kids are doing well even with Bart gone because I am pacing myself and working hard to keep calm. This is essential when I don't have him here to back me up, especially with a couple of the kids. And my desk is cleaned off and my to do list is gradually shrinking.

Heading now to visit with an old friend who is an adoptive parent. Their lives are resembling ours a few years ago. Hopefully something I have to share with her will be helpful.

My currently conversation includes, "I CAN TOO HAVE A VAULT. It's an energy drink. That doesn't count as pop."

Two hundred and twenty seven times.

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