Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ride to the Airport

We were rushing to get to the shuttle because the desk person at the hotel last night told us, "you better be on time because at 5:02 the 5:00 shuttle will be pulling out.

We got downstairs a little before five to hear the desk manager on the phone saying, 'Where are you? You're scheduled to drive the 5:00 shuttle?"

His solution -- the housekeeper. She was very nervous, a cute little lady with an accent, and she kept muttering "that d*** van driver" over and over to herself. The ride was very interesting. First she asked everyone if they were too cold. When several commented they were hot, she turned off the air. Then she went to the other terminal first, and didn't now how to get back to our terminal. I watched the signs and gave her directions.

i knew that if I was warm and feeling carsick, Bart was probably miserable. He is always 20 degrees warmer than me regardless of the temperature....

But we made it and got checked in. We're now having bakery items for breakfast (savory spinach scone here) and will board in about 30 minutes.

Ah the joys of travel....

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