Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Bart says that my blog is sensationalistic. Oh brother.

He cracked me up this morning. Called me from camp and left me this voice mail on my Iphone.

4,968 by 8:00. How about you?"

Pedometer freak. I only have 4133. Braggart.

Anyway, the night was uneventful. I had some insight this morning about how I need to alleviate excuses from my world in order to achieve my goals. Might be worth reading. Might not. It's not very "sensationalistic."

John's social worker called. He is already talking about walking away from the group home where he was placed a couple weeks ago. Grrrr. When he is 18 he can, but I spent 2 years setting this up for him, so I will NOT be happy if he does.

He's listless and bored though, which I warned them against. Had a job interview yesterday. Hopefully he'll get hired. That would help him to at least think about moving forward.

I have to take Salinda to therapy today. Guess we'll have to see what mood SHE is in. Always a surprise.

Off to get things done.

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