Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ten Minutes Until Supper

Salinda is home and sullen. Things aren't going her way. Hopefully she's not going to let things continue to go downhill as I need to have some peace tonight. Every time I think, "Hey, I'm getting better at not getting anxious" she does something, or gets in a mood and then I am faced with the same anxiety as before.

I have gotten more done in the past two days when I am only at my desk for a few short blocks of time than I do when I sit here all day. One project in particular is almost done and I have actually been straightening my desk and going through papers. I have kept my email at right around 19... even though they keep coming in. Maybe by days end tomorrow I'll see a blank inbox, though a couple of the emails represent big projects.... so that might not happen.

but at least i'm making progress, something that doesn't seem to have been happening much lately.

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