Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Transitions have traditionally been very difficult for us in our family. We often come home to just a horrible mess and have so much trouble getting the kids back into gear.

But this time things have gone so smoothly that I'm waiting for the phone calls to begin letting me know it wasn't as great as we thought. But so far so god.

We returned about 10:15 p.m. Dominyk had stayed and MIke and Kari's and Mike had dropped him off at 10. He was asleep by the time we got home. Everyone else was waiting for us, proud to show us a clean house. They gave us hugs and were very proud of how well they had done while we were gone.

this morning I'm trying to get started. I have some assignments from the editor that I need to work on and my goal was to spend an hour a day of time uninterrupted by anything else. I was planning on being at my desk by 7:15 this morning, didn't get here until 8. I was planning to turn off my email program and my messenger program and focus, and that hasn't happened yet either.

And my to do list is monstrous. So.... that being said, it's good to have a nice transition home. It's nice to be back, and I've GOT to get busy....

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