Monday, July 21, 2008

Trip Today

I headed to John's 45 day review meeting today. He seemed to be doing OK. He has big dreams about the freedoms he wants to have and they are not even close to what he is allowed there. He will have to go through this transition himself. He is very tempted to walk away, but he has no money and he has no job. SO hopefully he'll figure out that his best bet is to remain where he is and to not walk away, even though he is 18 and can do so.

The trip was fine, but now i'm quite behind in many things I need to do before I leave on Wednesday night. We have a full few days planned in NYC and Bart will barely be recovering from DC before we leave. But it will be a weekend full of great opportunities.

The past week that he has been gone has been the most peaceful one that I have ever had with Bart out of town. I don't know why that is the case, but I'm not going to argue. Just going to be grateful.

Tonight I plan to watch the movie that Kari recommended. In fact, I borrrowed it from her because I'm too cheap to rent it when I don't have to.

This is the last night I'll spend without Bart. I'm really glad he's coming home.

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