Friday, July 11, 2008

Well, it's 11:20

And the phone call yesterday said she would be home before noon. i think she was stalling. It would be nice if she was home by noon and get this over with, but I can't imagine that she will be. And my guess is that if she thinks she is in trouble anyway, that adding a few hours, or days, isn't going to make too much difference.

But we'll see. She proves me wrong so often. It's the not knowing that makes me anxious.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I know this feeling. There is just a little part of you hoping so desperately for that miracle that maybe she'll do the right thing this time. Then when it doesn't happen, I am so upset that I set myself up to hurt all over again. It's hard when they aren't consistent one way or the other. Hang in there! We have no other choice.
