Saturday, July 26, 2008


To read where we went in NYC to use up 20,400 steps you can click here. Last night we went to Coney Island around 8;45 p.m. Walking down the streets of Brooklyn at that time of night might be a little frightening to some, it was actually not bad. Lots of people were here. We walked blocks and blocks until we found a spot I could sit on the boardwalk and Bart walked a little more looking for snacks.

When he returned we had 45 minutes of a "romantic date!" It was very unusual. We didn't talk much about the kids. We people watched. He fed me a few bites of his ice cream. We laughed and talked and then saw an incredible fireworks display. I kept thinking it was over because so many parts of it were like the "grand finales" I had seen in the past. By the time we returned to the apartment to climb the long staircase I was exhausted, but very glad that I went. Bart and I seldom get a chance to

In 10 minutes Pat is taking us to a local diner for breakfast. Then we will meet with his part time staff from 11-1 and another set of staff from 2-3:30 at which point we are going to take the subway to New Jersey to meet "the editor" and help him find his way back through the city (he's not from this area and not thrilled at all about driving through New York City in it's entirety. We're making our way down here to go to Gargulios which is a few blocks from here where we'll have dinner and discuss the book, contracts, copyrights, etc.

We heard from the kids and they are doing very well. Jimmy reported, "We are doing berry good, Mom. And nobody is fighting or nothing." That's always good to hear.

Off to breakfast....

1 comment:

  1. Claudia, Are you with Pat O'brien of you Gotta Believe? If so tell him you are speaking at IAACCS conference in Indiana he was our Keynote three years ago! Tell him I said Hi, I was his contact person! Linda
