Monday, August 11, 2008

50 Long Minutes

Dominyk and I went to his psychiatrist appointment.




Before she got in the room, he completely harassed me for a full 40 minutes. He chanted that he was bored. He banged his head on the wall. He threatened to leave. He threw toys. He said we had to leave. Told me we couldn't wait for her. Told me he had to leave... couldn't take it anymore, needed to go.

When she finally came in I was explaining to her that his latest medication is not working and he cooperated and gave her a full demonstration. He got obsessed for some reason with buying an iced coffee at McDonalds (since she said he was not to have pop). He would not let it go. I used every technique I could think of to stop him and it didn't work.

She changed one of his meds.

I hope that her conclusion was that the medication was the issue. I hope she didn't conclude it was my parenting. Sigh.

And no, I never got the nap I needed. And the OCD bored thing really did just about push me over the edge.


  1. It isn't your meds. It is your son... OCD can drive you to OCD... Our doc played havoc balancing the concerta for his ADD and his zoloft for his OCD. We had a son who would clean the rims on the light bulbs, look for specks of paper with writing on it, refuse to eat when he was obsessed that he was fat, chant words over and over, and then all the ADD behaviors that were repetative. On the reverse was having him asleep or groggy, taking such massive dosages that Medicaid would question whether they were going to pay it month to month...
    Yes, those were the days.

    There is a little hope - age helps - a little... a little... a little...

    Of course, I couldn't convince my OCD son that he should wait to get married, and he's now married at the age of 19. And when he moved into his new apartment, his poor wife couldn't sleep the first night because he had to completely unpack and put every single thing up - every single thing, including the pictures, mind you, at 3:00 am.

  2. It isn't your meds. It is your son... OCD can drive you to OCD... Our doc played havoc balancing the concerta for his ADD and his zoloft for his OCD. We had a son who would clean the rims on the light bulbs, look for specks of paper with writing on it, refuse to eat when he was obsessed that he was fat, chant words over and over, and then all the ADD behaviors that were repetative. On the reverse was having him asleep or groggy, taking such massive dosages that Medicaid would question whether they were going to pay it month to month...
    Yes, those were the days.

    There is a little hope - age helps - a little... a little... a little...

    Of course, I couldn't convince my OCD son that he should wait to get married, and he's now married at the age of 19. And when he moved into his new apartment, his poor wife couldn't sleep the first night because he had to completely unpack and put every single thing up - every single thing, including the pictures, mind you, at 3:00 am.
