Friday, August 01, 2008

It Just Didn't Happen

Well, I had my goals for August. I really did. And I thought i was going to be able to do them every day. You gotta hate it when you fail before you even get started.

We had a super busy day. By the time we had left a little after 6:30 a.m., driven to the Apple Store, purchased our phones, gone shoe shopping, and stopped for lunch on the way home it was almost 1:00. I then went with Sadie to buy her first cell phone. She has been working hard all summer for this day and so I wanted her to be rewarded as soon as possible.

So by the time that was over it was almost 2 and we had company coming at 3:00. I had a training I had to set up. It took the full hour until they arrived. It's 9:24 and our company just left about 15 minutes ago.

So, I only got 40 minutes of exercise today instead of an hour and I didn't work on the book at all.

I'm exhausted.

Guess I'm going to just have to pretend that tomorrow is August 1st and there are only 30 days in the month....

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