Thursday, August 14, 2008

Most of the Day Spent Away from My Desk

Heading to a meeting today that will take most of my day. Last night I did not sleep well -- I had caffeine yesterday afternoon after not having much for weeks and it kept me awake, along with several other annoying things that aren't worth mentioning. So this morning I worked out from home on the Wii Fit again and showered, took Salinda to leave for an away tennis match, and now I'm finishing up a few things so I can leave for my meeting.

I'm really dragging this morning.

Life here has just been so routine and mellow and fine that it is scary. When you have PTSD you just keep waiting for something bad to happen and when it doesn't you just keep waiting for it again. But it's been two and a half weeks of very calm life at the Fletchers. In just a little over two weeks there will be school starting and we will have survived yet another summer.

And fall provides some exciting opportunities for me with speaking and travelling for my job...

If I could have just one wish it would not be for more money, but for more time. So much I want to do....

And to think there are those who have time for TV...

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