Saturday, August 02, 2008

Off to do One of My Not-So-Favorite Things

If I could get by with never entering a store again as of this moment, I would not care at all. I do not enjoy the process of shopping. One bit. In any way. And now I'm beginning the beginning of school shopping.

My butt hurts from sitting in my chair for the whole morning and that is one reason why I want to be gone. Salinda is in a nasty mood, which I didn't help by actually confronting her about something and then responding in a not so helpful way. Bart is taking some kids to the fair and a couple others are going to a movie.... last thing I want to do is be home with her storming around spewing nasty attitude everywhere.

As soon as she is out of debt I will take her school shopping. But she's still about $47.00 away. She'll get it done if I don't budge and lend her more.

So, the kids were given three choices of things to do, and all but Sadie chose not to shop. She and I should be able to have a fairly decent time....

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