Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sorry -- I'm such a blog slacker lately

In my "spare time" I've been trying to get promotional stuff about the book ready to hand out at a panel discussion I have this afternoon. At least four of the kids are coming with me and it should be a good time. Assuming that I can get this stuff done and printed before I leave.... printing is going slowly.

To report on yesterday, Salinda and I and her friend ended up eating at the tennis courts waiting for her next match. Then Bart joined me and we watched her play singles. She is undefeated so far, which is great.... she ended up quitting last year before the season really started so she hasn't played for a couple years. She is getting better every game and I know she's feeling good about herself.

We actually had a pretty nice time. Salinda treated me very kindly (carried my chair for me) and sat by me while we ate, even though her friend moved spots because the ants were bothering her on the ground. We chatted and there was no animosity being expressed. She's had a pretty good week.

I am excited about the beginning of our book adventure ... but there is so much to do.

Later today, if things are up and running, I'm going to give you blog readers the first chance to sign up for our company email newsletter. We will also be redoing our website soon....

More news to come -- for now I'm busy doing last minute things that should have been done a while ago....

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