Sunday, August 03, 2008

This Has to Be A Record

Wow. It's 1:44 and I haven't blogged today. This may be a record.

Part of my problem is that I have a list of things that I want to be blogging and can't find the time or energy to sit down and blog any of them. I'm going to have to start a running list of things that need to be eventually blogged when I have the time.

We just finished lunch with some friends. It was a fun meal with a couple families from church that we enjoy. One of them includes a newly appointed judge so I had an enjoyable time imparting all my wisdom and opinions (as you can imagine I have many) about family court and Termination of Parental Rights hearings.

Twenty of us -- 6 adults, 2 semi adults (college students) and 10 teenagers, and 2 preteens. We consumed a lot of good Asian food and the conversation was great. I always enjoy being with adults and our children were very well behaved, although I don't think Dominyk has stopped talking, other than for the 85 minutes we spent in church, since he woke up.

Adult conversation is a bit difficult with that constantly running in the background but we survived.

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