Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We've Almost Made It

One Week from today and the High School kids start school. That's great news for me as I really was not sure we would survive this summer. Surprisingly, it has gone fairly well and I have enjoyed it in many ways. Probably the calmest summer we've ever had as a family...

Started the morning by breaking a couple of my records on the Wii Fit and working on some book related stuff. Now I have endless emails to deal with. yesterday I worked steadily for most of the day. Started with 138 emails in my inbox and ended the day with 115 but literally was answering emails ALL DAY LONG. They came in faster than I could answer them.

So I'm starting today with 121 and hoping to make a bigger dent in that.

We still aren't done with school shopping, though we may work on that a bit today too.

I took a few minutes to write a post for parents called, "No Kid Plays with a Broken Jack-in-the-Box for long." Hope it makes sense to you.

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