Monday, August 04, 2008

Writers Write

This has been an incredible morning for me so far. I had a great YMCA workout and lost more this week than I have ever lost in one week. I came back and didn't even turn on my email program or my instant messaging programs until I had worked on the book for an hour.

I wrote a new chapter. The book has been finished since 2005, but since then we added our last two children. So I have to write those chapters. I completed one this morning which is so incredibly motivating.

Writing is very hard work. It takes a lot of self-discipline, which I don't always have. Taking time to sit down and write is very difficult and I have found that the only time I can really get things done is if I do it in the morning, right away, before the kids wake up. And to really get something written requires a considerable amount of concentration and effort. I have to be in a place where I am not distracted at all. But once I get something done I am so satisfied.

So, on a day when it is only 8:15 a.m. and I have already finished a 45 minute good workout and written for over an hour, I'm raring to go and feeling great. now to tackle my desk and my inbox and develop a solid list of to-dos for today.

one of the reasons I'm feeling so good at the moment might be that I haven't talked to anyone but Sadie and Bart this morning too. Everyone else is still asleep. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Conrats on having such a productive day!
