Tuesday, September 16, 2008

8 sons before one Touchdown

Leon is my 8th son to play football at least one season. Nobody else has ever scored.

Kyle played as an 8th grader. Uneventful.

Rand played in 8th grade, and again in 11th. He usually spent time on the bench.

Mike played in 8th grade. He was usually very confused.

John played in 7th grade, and then started this year. He usually played defense. This year he quit going to practice.

Jimmy played in 7th grade. He never really knew where the ball was.

Ricardo played in 5th grade and was very very good. But he played tackle. And when you play tackle, you don't score. He played in 6th grade -- one game until he broke his collar bone.

Tony played in 6th and 7th grades. He usually plays line. So it's hard to score when you're playing line.

And now, there is son #8. ANd he gets to play running back. And he's fast. Not to mention really cute.

And all his life he's wanted to play football. ANd he's wanted a mom there to watch him. ANd I don't always make it to every game (tonight we had a football game, a soccer game, and a tennis match all at the same time).

But I"m so glad that I was there to see the first touchdown a son of mine has made. ANd I"m glad that the first time he made a touchdown he had a mom there to see it.

Tony played too -- and did a great job. Hung in there offense and defense almost the whole game.

These are the moments that make some of the other ones worthwhile.


  1. How special for both of you that you were there to see it.

    Good luck on your weekend activities!
