Saturday, September 06, 2008

Creating Community (an important and exciting post about upcoming events)

Since I started blogging in 2005, we have created quite a community of people who blog and read each others blogs.. We comment on and about each others blogs, quote each other, and often in the strangest places, we meet each other and say or hear the words, "Hey, I read your blog!"

Immediately if we say those words we feel an instant connection and sometimes when we hear them we feel sudden shame or embarrassment (well, at least I do with some of the things I've written about. Can you say "average weight of a bowel movement?""


There are going to be a couple of opportunities this fall to enhance this sense of community for those who live in Minnesota. The first is a conference in St. Cloud where Bart and I will both be speaking. It may be a little far for some people, but he and I are going to make a night of it and rent a hotel the night before. There will be lunch and we could try to sit together. If you come early, maybe we could even stay at the same hotel the night before..... Wouldn't that be fun? Of course, I might not have any stories to tell that aren't already on the blog, but I could listen to yours....

Here's the link for the brochure. The conference is cheap and there is even a free youth track for kids 4-17. (But we think we're leaving our kids at home).

So, who is already planning to go? Who is now thinking about it? Comment and let me know. Let's see if we can have a great group of us who can connect in person. It will only make the blogging more personal. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

I just had a thought -- you don't have to be in or near Minnesota. If you're independently wealthy, like most of us adoptive parents, you can fly in. ;-)

Also, Bart is thinking about starting a day time support group in North Mankato for adoptive parents. We may be able to do it around a lunch hour for local folks who have jobs. Is there any interest? What days would work best -- email us privately and let us know. He's an excellent group facilitator and there is certainly a need in our area for a support group for foster and adoptive parents or anyone who is raising kids with special needs.

So, Come to St. Cloud on October 3rd and 4th or just October 4th. And let us know about the support group....


  1. The link to the brochure didn't work for me. Barb

  2. should be fixed now...

  3. The link didn't work for me, but it doesn't matter anyway, because I'll be on the way to visit my family that weekend. Dang it.

    Angela :-)
