Thursday, September 18, 2008

Finishing Touches

I'm going through my keynote address and putting finishing touches to my notes, rethinking the presentation yet again. Sometimes when I'm getting ready present something that I've presented before it starts to get old sounding and then I wonder if it is going to be as boring to everyone else as it is becoming to me. So then I try to spruce it up and add another story or two and make it interesting to me again.

It might not matter to anyone else, but it would be really awkward if I were to fall asleep while presenting....

Our time at the dinner theatre was fun last night. The play was less than squeaky clean, but sometimes it's fun to cut loose a little. I think our host and hostess were a little embarrassed to have taken Pastor Bart to something that off-color, but I found it funny..... both the play and the fact that they brought Pastor Bart to see it.

And sorry, L and L, I know you told me not to blog this but.....

Hopefully I'll be able to blog later this afternoon and tell you that things went well.

Ok, OK, I"ll break a leg....

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