Saturday, September 27, 2008

From Atlanta

I'm in the Atlanta airport. I enjoy airports. I love watching people and imagining their lives. I like to eavesdrop and observe and compare people's lives with my own, recognizing that I don't know, really, much of anything.

My obsessive personality caused me to nearly fry my brain on the first flight. Delta now has a touch screen media center free to everyone where you can play games against other people on the flight. I won the first round of trivia, and then had to play games like Bejeweled and other puzzle games. I got the high score in 3 different games, meaning that either I'm GOOOOOOOD or the plane is very very new (or who knows, maybe they reset it every week just to motivate people. But as you can imagine, knowing that I could get the High Score of All time and type in my name really kept me playing.

I'm feeling a little tired at the moment.... my eyes are kind of bugging out of my head....

I'll be boarding in about 15 minutes for the last flight of the trip -- and then I'll wait 90 minutes for a shuttle, and then ride back to our home town.

It's been a good week. I must be a lot like Linda who posted that she always gets lots of ideas while she is gone. I always come home with a long list of ideas and dreams -- way too many for my schedule to accommodate, but I forget about that while I'm away and dream big.

I miss my kids. I just got an IM. "Hi, mom." And I asked, "Who is this?" And I recieved, "it's me. Dominyk F."


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