Monday, September 08, 2008

New Months Resolutions Very Late

I have been having a hard time posting these because I've been in kind of a slump....

I decided that my September Resolutions are going to be to combine what I did previously and go back to doing all of them. My plan back in May was to keep adding things. But when I had a deadline -- the end of the month -- I went back to old habits. So....

for September I'm going to go back to no fast food.... 64 ounces of water .... and no pop. And an hour a day of exercise. I may make an exception when I'm out of town...

And then I'm adding something -- only one dessert per week.

We'll see how it goes? Did anyone else make new months resolutions for September? I know Maia did.

So that's my plan. For the rest of september -- drink my water, no pop, no fast food, and an hour a day of exercise. And only one desert a month.

As for my non-diet related goal, I want to write for an hour a day. I have spent so much time on other book related stuff that I haven't gotten my writing in. Want to get back to that.....

I know it's nothing exciting, but it's probably best as September is going to be a very busy month for me with lots of travel...


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM


    I wanted to let you know that you have not only inspired me to set monthly resolutions, but to get off the couch as well! I started a second blog at where I am documenting my diet & exercise efforts & my monthly resolutions. THANKS!


  2. Better late than never, Claudia! And really, you're not that late. Good luck on your monthly resolutions.
