Wednesday, September 17, 2008

An Odd Morning

Being called a b**** at 4:45 a.m. is one of my favorite things. Honestly it is. I was up to use the bathroom and Tony was up because the dog that he had locked in his room needed to go to the bathroom. But he wasn't going to let him out. So when I told him he had to.... yeah, you can imagine. I finally just did it myself. But it took me 45 minutes to fall back asleep.

I had decided to work out at home this morning because Sadie texted her apology to me last night and asked me if we could work on her homework this morning. So we got it done.

Now I'm going to have to postpone my workout for after the ride to school, making my whole day go later than planned. But as the day wears on I may need the extra sleep...

I spent most of yesterday finishing a project (which resulted receiving good and important news for one of my families) and working on my seminar for Friday. I used Keynote which I hadn't familiarized myself with too much yet, and it rocks. Does so many cool things Powerpoint can't do. But that's Apple for you. Except for MObile Me. but don't get me started.

I now need to prepare the handout for the seminar, get all the instructions ready for PCAs and others who will be helping with the kids while we're gone and hopefully have my desk cleaned off. I need to get a couple things ready to be mailed as well... and I have to have a haircut....

The day before a trip is always one where I have to keep checking off my list again and plodding forward all day long to get things done. So ready.... set..... go.....

1 comment:

  1. No fun at 4:45am or anytime. I got called that loudly by one of my kids in church during worship. Good thing we have a loud band. Wheeee!
