Friday, October 03, 2008

Feeling a bit More Encouraged

Got a major project done this morning.... so I'm feeling good about that. Started my day with 145 emails, down to 90. Feeling good about that. We're heading up to St. Cloud for tomorrow's conference -- taking Dominyk and Wilson with us and dropping of Salinda to see her boyfriend before having dinner with Kyle and his girlfriend -- all on the way up there, and I"m feeling good about that.

Salinda and her friend are here momentarily as it's homecoming and they are out of school early. They are hyper and happy, and I'm feeling good about that.

The new weight loss support group, Third Degree Parenting Losers, is off to a great start. And I'm feeling good about that.

Bart is doing our laundry. And I'm feeling really good about that.

I had a good workout this morning and another mini workout around 11, and I'm feeling good about that.

Bart is dealing with phone calls from Mike in jail, and I'm feeling good about that.

So, just as there were many reasons to not feel good yesterday, there are reasons to feel good today. Or possibly there were an equal amount of both on both days, and I chose to focus on one yesterday, and a different one today.

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