Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Monthiversary -- What are Your Goals?

September was Pathetic. And because I was undisciplined I am farther behind than ever and have gained back 5 of the pounds I lost.

But the nice thing about time, is that it passes, and September is now OVER. So that means it's a new month and time for New Month's Resolutions. Anyone else making them? I know Maia did.

Here are my three goals for October:

1) Only one Dessert or sweet treat a week.

2) Spend 90 minutes every day at my desk with my internet connection off. I am sure that this doesn't mean anything to most of you, but I am the queen of multitasking. Problem is, my projects that require intense concentration never get done because my brain is always being called away by my instant messenger or email program, or I get tempted by a blog or website or stupid addicting game where I'm trying to beat unbeatable people who happen to be my friends on facebook. So, for 90 minutes a day total (and you may not think this is much but it IS) I am going to turn off my airport and focus on those projects.

3) Create and maintain an online support group for parents of kids with special needs that are trying to lose weight. I think we are a unique group of people, with more challenges than many people trying to get healthy, so I thought we could encourage each other and that would make me more accountable as well. I hope to have this set up today, so if you're interested in joining, let me know.

So there you have it. Would love to hear if you're setting any goals for October...


  1. My goal is to actually take 30 minutes a day to take care of me ...Something I have been horrible at in the past and after Liza got sick ... just has not happened ..I joined the Wellness Center as of today....

  2. Okay, I'm doing it this month.

    Angela :-)

  3. We are in a 'becoming debt-free' mode at our home. our October goal is to not incur any more debt this month!! It seems like an easy goal but looking back at the last few months we didn't do so well.
