Monday, October 20, 2008

One Year Ago Today

I remember one year ago today because I hit a real low. I remember it because Bart was out of town and I was getting ready to go to Texas to meet Bart there and meet Leon and Wilson for the first time. We were in the middle of the big mess with Salinda and Mike having stolen the car and I was just beside myself not knowing what to do.

That day kind of became a marker in my head as the months went by and I blogged about it here. I must now report that now that a year has gone by I realize that in nearly every way I am a better person. I am 43.5 pounds lighter. (by the way, Made it to the Y this morning by 5:30... had a nice suprise.) I have more energy. I have made it to new levels of self-differentiation and am able to view my children's behavior as something I can't control, but can simply help them navigate. I love my husband and kids more than ever, things are great professionally, we're making progress with the book.

There has been no year in my life that I feel I have learned more about myself. I'm so grateful for the ways I've grown and I'm thankful for the fact that I've had all of you to share that journey with.

I know i'm not even close to being where I want to be, but things are so much better than a year ago.... I'm better, the kids are better.... In fact, with the exception of Mike, every one of our kids has made so much progress in the past year it's almost unrecognizable ...

And yet, ironically, as I write this, Bart is with Mike, having picked him up as he was released from jail this morning.... so who knows what the next chapter in his life will be.

And now, I'm off to take the kids to school and soon after, will head to the airport yet again. I am very passionate about the materials I am going to present, so I'm excited to speak, but the preparation and travel is a hassle.

More whining from the airport possibly....

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