Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ready for another Big Day

In 20 minutes we'll leave the hotel for another day of training. It's a great group of workers that I really enjoy -- committed professionals who are eager to learn and get their jobs done and it is really fun to be part of helping them learn things....

Yesterday was a very full day. We started setting up at 8 in the beautiful chapel at Lena Pope Home. This is a picture of the outside. If you have time check out the link. Lena Pope's story is an amazing one. Her legacy and what she was able to begin back in 1930 is very inspiring.

I spoke about Matching Myths from 9-12 and then we had a break for lunch. We went to the Deli at Central Market, a store that my husband would have thought was the closest thing to heaven. I couldn't help but think that he or Sarah would have been able to spend a full day in that store. Took a few pictures. The store is huge and each department was so much bigger than anything I've seen. There were literally hundreds of kinds of cheeses, (pictured is a whole stack of Parmesian) lots of organic stuff, (ever heard of italian cauliflower -- it's the green stuff) and a bakery to die for. I had a baked potato for lunch with lots of wonderful toppings....

After lunch I presented Matching Methods for 3 hours and it was a very practical session. I think the handouts that I've been coming up with are actually going to be quite helpful.

After my presentation I met Samantha for supper. She reminds me so much of Leon it is uncanny. She is animated and fun and we had a great time.

Then I presented to foster parents from 7-9 p.m. ANother great session.

I was simply exhausted last night, but it was a good exhaustion. And now i'm minutes away from leaving again so I better post this...

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