Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Third Degree Parenting Losers

That's the name of our new group. Have to do a little company promotion while I can, you know....

I'm inviting you to join me if you are working on losing weight by subscribing to this group. I am excited about it as I think it will be fun.

If you're too lazy to click over to see what it is all about, here is the group description that I created.

Parenting kids with special needs is a different kind of parenting. Kids with medical, behavioral or emotional issues, whether they are adopted, foster children, or children by birth, require a lot from us. We often forget to take care of ourselves.

3ºP (Third Degree Parenting) Losers is for people parenting these children who are attempting to lose weight or just get healthy. Join us as we encourage each other to "put our own oxygen mask first."

Here is the link to become a member.

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