Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Beginning of Birthday Season

We have twelve children. Six of them have birthdays between November 15th and December 25th. We have a Christmas Eve birthday and a Christmas Day Birthday and I asked myself, "WHO PLANNED THIS MESS!"

So today is the first day of birthday season and Sadie, who at school and everywhere but home, goes by Mercedes or Cedes. Heather Armstrong always writes a letter to her daughter and posts it on the blog every month, so I thought that I would do the same just this once for Mercedes and then give her a copy. She is the kind of kid who will treasure it. Maybe I'll keep it up with some of the others too, but she will definitely appreciate it more than anyone.

That's my next task for the morning, to be followed by powerpoints for church and a trip to the movies to see HSM3 at Sadie's request. She has stated she doesn't want any gifts -- there isn't really anything she thinks she needs -- so we'll celebrate with the family and one of her friends tonight with the Chicken Stir Fry her Dad makes that is her favorite.

And then at the end of the day, I'll sit back and say, "one down, five to go.... plus Christmas." And I'll sigh deeply... with dread, not relief.

OK, so that was a bit melodramatic...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, What an awesome daughter! I know birthdays are a lot of fun and in large families sometimes it is the only time to actually get something you want... but in a society of excess it is truly amazing to see any young person be so thoughtful. To have a teenage daughter that values time with friends AND family over material things is just absolutely wonderful.

