Thursday, November 06, 2008

I Tried to Make a Visual

I wanted to make a visual for you of the trips we made yesterday, but the map I downloaded was too hard to read and I finally gave up.

After school I went to West to get Salinda and then to East to get Jimmy and Sadie. As you can imagine, they are not on the same side of town. An hour later I went to the school to get Ricardo and Leon after wrestling, and Tony who had not come home in the first trip for whatever reason. When I got to the school, Tony was convinced that the other boys had left school grounds so I went to look for them. WHen I returned, there was my husband, also at the school. Apparently TOny had called him and even though I told both girls to tell Bart that I had gone to East to get the boys, the message didn't get to him. So we were both there to pick up kids we couldn't find.

Bart took Tony and went to the church. I waited until my phone rang. Apparently the boys were inside of the school, calling 1/2 hour after I was supposed to be there to pick me up, and telling me there was no wrestling so they had played ping pong instead.

I drove them, and their friend, Ivan, back to our house were we stayed 5 minutes until it was time to go to the church. I drove them to the church and afterwards, took Salinda another 3 miles North west to be dropped off at a friends to help her paint her room. THen I met Bart at the park for our evening walk and went back to the church to pick up several children. Tony was missing and when Leon heard there was a meeting, he wanted to stay. I left to bring Sadie and WIlson home and then picked up Dominyk who wanted to ride along to take Ivan home, of course, on the other side of town. When I returned I finally just asked Bart to go get TOny (who had called but I told him he had to go to the youth meeting and wait for Leon to be gone).

I never left town. I bet I could have driven to Chicago if I had gone in one direction.....

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