Monday, November 10, 2008

A New Plan

Sorry for being such a pathetic blogger this past weekend. It was so calm and free of drama that I didn't really get around to blogging much -- I was getting caught up on work and putting away tons of laundry Bart did. I even had a little fun.

The kids who were gone seemed to get worn out but had a good time. Today we are back into the regular routine at least for a week or so....

Knowing myself as I do, I am very aware of the fact that I would not be able to make myself get out of bed and head to the Y at 5 a.m. when it is cold. The thought of the difference in temperature from my cozy warm bed to the ice cold car is just to much to bear. So I have mixed up my routine a little.

On the three days of the week that I am supposed to go to the Y I will get up around the same time as if I were going to the Y and work instead. Then, after warming up the van and taking the kids to school, I will do my workout. I think this will work much better. Otherwise I know myself well enough to know that I am going to wake up and waste a lot of time trying to force myself to get up and go out to the cold van and nothing will happen.

And, if I replace the time I should be working out with work, then the time I am working out will not take away from the hours I should be working. Hope THAT made sense.

So I'm off to work at 5:45....

Maybe once things get back into routine I'll have time to blog and upload some pictures...

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a good plan, Claudia! I'd be tempted just to skip the whole darn thing. lol

    Angela :-)
