Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rated PG-13... but if you have a kid like this, you'll recognize it immediately

Yesterday at support group another adoptive mom (hi, Deb) mentioned that this video is one that her husband used often to describe their son. In watching it again (it has years since I've seen it) I just laughed because I have a few kids like this. They are going to fight until the very end in whatever ridiculous obstinate fit they are having regardless of whether or not it is rational to do so. No matter how many consequences are given, no matter what is taken away, and when they have clearly lost the battle, their mouths are still running. Borrowing a phrase from Cindy, they get stuck on stupid. Anyway, other than to point out that it is a little gory and has a naughty word so be prepared, I need say no more. If you have kids like this, you'll recognize them here:


  1. Ah, yes, and then there's the other scene in Holy Grail that resembles our life WAY too closely - the scene in the castle tower where the king is explaining to the guards about guarding his son, the prince... and the guards just don't *quite* get it... sooo familiar...

  2. Ah, yes, and then there's the other scene in Holy Grail that resembles our life WAY too closely - the scene in the castle tower where the king is explaining to the guards about guarding his son, the prince... and the guards just don't *quite* get it... sooo familiar...

  3. I'm laughing, and making a mental note to come back often, as this is so, so true!

    Angela :-)
