Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tis the Season

Can you tell that I've been crazy distracted? No blog entry yesterday which is almost unheard of.

All the kids are home and now old enough that they want to do their own shopping and each of them have in mind exactly where they want to go and when. In addition, they have very specific ideas and I am required to get everyone where they need to be. Last night, we had a wrapping party at an undisclosed location (supposed to be a surprise for the kids) and you would be appalled at my lack of attention to detail. We wrapped a LOT of presents.

This morning, Bart is off to get John and bring him home. Kyle and his girlfriend will be here tonight. I'm picking up Salinda and bringing her home as well. Wilson had a friend spend the night, so he needs to be returned home as well.

Tomorrow we will finish celebrating the 6 birthdays that we have between November 15 and Christmas day with Wilson's and Salindas (his is Christmas Eve, hers is Christmas Day). There are two evening services tomorrow (for which I am doing the powerpoints) and Bart is actually singing a duet in one of them -- his debut in that arena.

So we have good but busy days ahead. Fortunately with Sadie's help yesterday (she wanted to earn more money to get more presents) we got a head start on the cleaning.

So, once again we're off and running. Sorry for neglecting to update everyone yesterday.

Have a great day! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going well...

    Merry Christmas!

    Angela :-)
