Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I need Opinions, and since You're all Opinionated

I've been here working on a website for an agency.

Which one is better?

The all white one?

Or the one with the blue background?

Leave your comment to vote


  1. I like the all white one. But what do I know? :-)

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Oh, I LOVE when people ask for my opinion!

    I like the one with the blue background. (But I like the pictures from the first one. There are not enough beautiful brown babies on the blue one.)


  3. I prefer the webpage with the right background.

  4. I prefer the blue background (but they're both nice!)

  5. I like the white background. But I am with Corey, what is with all the white or light babies? Where's my brown baby? :)

  6. Hey people, the white one has links with plenty of colors of babies. Check out all the links. and the blue one will have the same pictures too if we decide to go with it.

    Sorry not to explain it well

  7. I like the background being all one color. So I vote for the white background.


  8. Now, I have NEVER been accused of being opinionated. LOL Not! I, too, like the white one.

    Angela :-)

  9. I like the white backing.

  10. I like the all white backround.

  11. I kind of like the all white one too but I too think the kids need to be more multi colored! Links dont really count...people scan web sites when they click on them and dont go any further if they dont feel drawn to it!
    Just a thought!

  12. I like the all white for the main page... and the blue background for the rest... sorry!!!

  13. Just looking at the layout, not the photos, I like the white background. You've got a nice liquid layout here and I think it's obvious enough when you've reached the minimum width (when the lower scroll bar shows up) and you won't need panels on the side to point that out. I also like how the part of the page above the fold is the collage; people will scroll down for the text panels because you've grabbed their attention with the images.

    btw, did you move up to Keynote 9 yet? When you do you're gonna find a great free app in the iphone store that will allow you to change your slides from the phone; nothing else needed than your laptop and the iphone. It really works well and will let you move around while you talk.

    Sorry for the geek-talk, everybody but you know I don't want to add one more e-mail to poor Claudia's inbox.

  14. I'm for the white one

  15. I like the blue - I think the contrast makes the babies stand out more
