Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thank Yous are in Order

I thanked my kids last night for being so well behaved. It was wonderful to have a day like yesterday where for nearly the whole day everyone was being cooperative and calm. Bart had left, school was out for the day by 11:30 for elementary and 12 for the rest, and it was a recipe for disaster. But they all did so well. Even Tony worked hard to be good and succeeded in having one of the best days he has had in weeks.

They let me work yesterday and I got a couple important things done that were hanging over my head. I felt much better by the end of the day.

They are all still asleep except Rand who is at work. Soon I will wake them up and we'll get the morning routine going and then I'm heading to work at a restaurant today. Need a break from my office and maybe I'll get more done.

But after a horrible day like Sunday, I needed Monday to be good. And for once everyone cooperated in making that happen.

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