Sunday, February 01, 2009

Critical Care Waiting Room

Salinda just went into surgery. She was scared. Her boyfriend and his mom left for a while. I'm in the critical care waiting room trying to arrange a way for Bart to get here for a few hours today.

I'm trying not to think about how hungry I am. ;-) Some days I forget to eat, but on a day when i can't it's all I can think about.

I'm just glad for Wi Fi. Means I can keep working and blogging and everything else. Apparently there is an empty bed in Salinda's room and I can stay here with her tonight.

Surgery should take an hour. I'll update you when I can.


  1. Praying for Salinda.

  2. I'm so sorry to see that she is having an appendectomy. I'm still a few months behind reading the archives, but when I saw that someone was in the hospital, I had to see what was going on.

    I had an emergency appendectomy 2 years ago, and I really had to take it easy for awhile. I was off work for a month. Tell her don't overdo it or she'll have a relapse.

    I guess she'll be staying close to home for awhile now!

    I will keep her in my prayers!

