Monday, February 02, 2009

Getting annoyed

Salinda has been doing great but they are taking forever to discharge her. I still have a home visit i HAVE To do tonight and i can't do that until I drive home. I have been patient. But the discharge in the mornign promise when it is now 2;30 p.m. is starting to grate on my nerves.


1 comment:

  1. She's already getting out??? WOW! I was in the hospital for 5 days, but my appendix actually burst when he got in there.

    And he told me at 8 am I was going to be released. We got home at 3:00 pm!

    It's great that she's getting to go home already. Much easier to recoup at home.

    I also had pretty nice nurses--some great middle of the night male nurses when I was so sick. The only stupid nurse I had was one who came in to take my vitals, and I mentioned could she wipe off the top of the toilet. She looked at me, and said (in a huffy voice) "THAT'S not my job! My job is take vitals. I don't touch toilets!" Well, Ex-CUSE me!

    I will keep ya'll in my prayers. I had a funny dream last night about her, but w/ my sister in it, too, b/c it's her b-day, and I kept saying "I got to get money to Salinda to help her pay for the hospital so she can get out for her birthday!" LOL LOL
