Thursday, February 05, 2009

Gratitude Challenge

It's time for a little gratitude on my part. Today I want to list 15 things I am thankful for.

1. I am thankful that I am free of back pain after living with it for 19 years. Exercise and diet were the only thing that stopped it, but I am so glad that I am.

2. I am thankful that during this time of economic upheaval in our country that my husband employed and that I have not one, but two jobs, which most of the time I really like.

3. I am thankful that I get paid for doing something that helps to change the world.

4. I am thankful that all of our children are relatively healthy.

5. I am thankful that Salinda's appendix attack happened when it did and that I was able to be there before and after her surgery and that she is recuperating nicely.

6. I am thankful that we were able to find a house large enough for all of as a price we could basically afford. Warm shelter with a winter we've had is significant.

7. I am thankful for my husband who is amazing in so many different ways. I could find 15 things about him to be thankful for if that were my task -- actually, way more than 15.

8. I am thankful for the relatively drama free months we have had in the last 8 months or so. And yes, I am vigorously pounding on every piece of wood in the house at this moment. Simultaneously. You should see me.

9. I am thankful for Mike and Kari and their presence in our lives. They are the best friends we have ever had as a family and we've had some good ones over the years.

11. I am thankful for TIm, Sue and Sarah, friends who though our lives are very different, are faithful and supportive people in our lives.

12. Speaking of friends over the years, I am thankful for so many of the people in this world who have shaped my life. I have been blessed throughout my life with very amazing people who have been part of my life.

13. I am thankful that I can work from home though at times it gets tedious and annoying to always be here, I am thankful for jobs with flexible schedules so that I can be here for the kids and make it to all their appointments.

14. I am thankful for my parents who instilled in me a healthy self-image and gave me tools from a very young age that have helped me to succeed.

15. I am thankful that God loves me and that his grace is sufficient -- that He is forgiving and patient and that He provides me with the strength I need to face each day. And that though He is genderless, He doesn't mind if I refer to Him as He. ;-)

I'm on a roll, but I'm going to stop and challenge you to do the same thing -- on your blog or on your facebook. If you don't have either, post them right here in a commment. Fifteen things to be grateful for when it isn't even Thanksgiving. The exercise will do you good. It sure has made me feel better about my day.

If you do this, leave a comment to let everyone know you did so we can check yours out on your blog or facebook.

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