Sunday, March 15, 2009

Letting Go of Excuses

Having 12 kids and two jobs gives me the excuse to say no to everything. If I say I'm too busy, nobody argues. But as long as I have time to beat Cindy in mindless facebook games, I've got time.

So when Bart did his 8 week Bible Study on using your gifts in the church, I picked three things. They are all coming to fruition.

I started playing keyboard in our church worship band, and while I'm not great, the music seems to be getting a bit more peppy and the people are more energized. I'm hoping this will move us forward with this service.

Secondly, I started a follow up book study with a group of women. Actually, I was hoping to gather six women, and so I invited 13 and now there are 12 signed up. So we are having two groups. The first one started on Thursday night and the second meets this afternoon. We are working through Equipped for Every Good Work and it is fascinating. Not only so, but it is great fun to be with terrific women who are bright, fun, and gifted.

Finally, I initiated an international student ministry and we had our kickoff potluck last night. Seven students from Nepal are matched with seven families from our church and based on last evening, things seem to be starting well. Four of the students were in church this morning and it felt good to see them there.

Sometimes I need something new and different in my life, but I have to force myself to let go of my standard excuse of "I have twelve children and two jobs. I'm too busy." And I have to make time for something different.

And tomorrow Kari and I are heading back go the YMCA. I still don't feel 100%, but I need to let that excuse go.

The sun is shining again. It's time to live!

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